Our Purpose
Sustainabler has been created with a simple purpose in mind, to provide a comprehensive resource centre that will enable family businesses of all sizes to source information, knowledge and practical examples of sustainability in practice and to help everyone make sustainability manageable, measurable and meaningful.
Our Story
Having worked in the family business space for over 25 years, Paul Andrews and the team behind Sustainabler regularly speak to family business owners and their teams on all things family business. Over the past couple of years in particular the topic of sustainability has come more and more to the fore. For many family businesses, doing business the right way and acting as stewards or custodians of their businesses for future generations is something that is at the very core of what they do and who they are. For many, they have been pursuing a sustainability agenda without shouting about it and for some, appreciating and documenting all of the good work they continue to do.
These conversations, along with frustrations about where to go and find relevant and timely information have resulted in the creation of Sustainabler, a community of businesses that care, make a difference and are happy to be part of a community of like-minded businesses that feel the same.
Launched in early 2023, the knowledge bank will grow and become a ‘go to resource’ for the family business community when it comes to sustainability.
As Paul explains, “We have created a globally recognised family business organisation with Family Business United and we now want to use our expertise from creating FBU to add our voice to the sustainability agenda, to create a similar community on the topic to help family firms address different aspects of sustainability as a force for good and as a way to continue to take the long term view and create sustainable businesses for generations to come. We aim to bring together practical insights, research and personal stories to help family firms navigate the sustainability agenda and to help make sustainability manageable, measurable and meaningful whilst celebrating the progress made by the sector too.”
The Sustainability Agenda
Our annual survey into the world of sustainability will be launched shortly and we will then share details of the agenda as determined by the UK family business community in due course here.
We will be sharing all the latest news and insights by way of a regular ebulletin so sign up today to make sure you receive your copy. We are aware of our commitments to the environment too and will not be sending out lots of updates but it will provide a regular update of the key things that we think are important. The site will be updated regularly to help you keep up to date too and there will be plenty of activity on social media too.
Sign up today and remember to send us all of your news, insights and articles so that we can publish them on the website too and help us amplify the voice of family firms on all things sustainability.